Overview | Eligibility Requierements | Membership Types & Dues | Application Procedure | Download Application


westerleigh Tennis Club Staten Island

The Club offers three levels of membership:

  1. Bond Holder Membership. To apply, members must be an Associate member (primary) in good standing for at least 1 full season. The number of Bond Holder Memberships is governed by the Club ByLaws. The Bond Holder and his/her spouse/domestic partner are equally recognized as the Bond Holder and have the same voting rights. However, their membership only counts as one vote, not two.

  2. Associate Membership. All new members enter as Associates. Associate Membership applications can include a tennis playing spouse or domestic partner or a child under the age of 21 residing at home or college student up to age 23. These memberships are classified as Associate Plus One.

  3. Junior Membership (18 and under).

Annual Dues
Bond Holder $350
Associate $350
Associate Plus One $450
Junior (Per Child) $50

If the Club encounters extraordinary expenses in any year, members may be required to pay an additional one-time assessment.