The First Board Meetings


The First Meeting - April 2, 1910 - held at 200 College Avenue

Present were; Attenbury, Balling Cutler, and Murphy. By subscription the following were elected to the first Board of Directors;
   * Samuel M. Richardson- President
   * Davis Carpenter -Vice President
   * J Francis Attenbury- Secretary
   * J Francis Attenbury- Treasurer

Order of Business: Membership was limited to twenty members including family. Full membership included a purchased bond in the amount of $100.00 that was transferable. Annual dues were to be $20.00. The Board may provide for the admission of "Associate Members" without voting rights. Mr. J Sterling Drake announces he had procured from Mr. J Francis and Marie E Sill, an option to purchase property on Indiana Avenue, now College Avenue. (See Land Purchase PDF below) A debenture was authorized to issue twenty $100.00 bonds bearing interest at 6%. On April 15, 1910 a contract was procured to purchase the land for $1,700.00.

Second Meeting of Board of Directors - April 6th 1910

Present were; Attenbury, Balling Cutler, and Murphy. By subscription the following were elected to the Order of Business: Bank account was set up at Port Richmond National Bank. First grounds committee approved and chaired by Cutler & Dorman. A contract was entered into to open the grounds with Mr. Williams at a cost of $190.00.

Board Meeting - May 4th 1910

Order of Business: Mr. James Whitford, the architect who designed the club house, was appointed chairman of a special committee to report on ways and means for the construction of a club house. Expenditures show $267.00 for labor and $167.06 for materials indicating court play must have taken place by summer of 1910. (See Clubhouse contract Below ) (See Club expenses Below).

Board Meeting - May 16th 1910

Order of Business: The first Grounds Keeper was hired, Mr. Kopf, at a cost not to exceed $25.00 per season. The Board authorizes the purchase of supplies for the three courts including posts, netting, and a wire fence and to arrange for installation of same. First ground rules established, notably to include;
   * Courts were to be used only for lawn tennis
   * No shoes with heals or spikes shall be worn
   * When members are waiting, one set is to be played, doubles takes priority
   * Court #3 shall be reserved for use by the ladies or mixed doubles on Saturday and Holidays

Information & History Provided by Greg Argila